Al Maktab Al Qatari Al Hollandi is a retailer, wholesaler and nursery of indoor plants, outdoor shrubs, trees and fresh flowers. We supply a complete range of accessories which include planters, decoration stones, potting soil, bark, ceramic vases and glass vases. Our inspirational display at our garden centre, located just off Wholesale Market Street, has a vast selection of indoor plants, outdoor plants, pots and accessories, giving you fresh ideas to create your own green environment. Our plant nursery, located in Um al Ahmed on the north road at exit 24, is just 15 minutes from IKEA. Here we cater for the professional wholesaler, landscape contractor, civil contractor and for our own medium to large outdoor landscaping projects. Finally, our wholesale flower department, located on the ground floor of our Head Office in Barwa Commercial Avenue. Where we have a vast array of fresh, dried and silk flowers, glassware and floristry accessories for all floral professionals.